Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Cigar Box Pochade

I love my box. I use it all of the time. I figured out a way to attach a larger palette to it with another bungee chord so that I can mix larger "messes" of paint (I'll have to take a photo of that ). I like the small palette too, though. It's nice for plein air and minimal color combinations. But of course, as you can see, I also use it for a lot of colors anyway. I'm of several minds as you can tell.


  1. Good Morning Laura!... I noticed that "You" had become a Follower of my blog and was curious about "You" ... and your work!

    Your work is very unique... the colour from that cigar box pochade rich and vibrant... almost... as rich and vibrant as your thinking!

    It is only that regular exercise of thinking... "feeling"... "seeing" the world through your own lens that allows each one of us to grow throughout our journeys.

    Just keep on doing... what "You" alone can do. Seems to be working... your work is evocative and ever expanding.

    "Man's only purpose on this earth to find himself."
    -Pablo Picasso

    There is a whole lot of your Self in each piece of your work!Enjoyed my visit.

    Good Painting and Happy Summertime Dreamin...
    Warm regards,

  2. Thank you Bruce. I have actually thought of your message many times since you posted it. I never know how to respond to such thoughtful comments. I strive for so much and I am always looking for myself and sometimes I find me :) I'm so glad that you think it is coming through. Your work is very beautiful.
